Something between electronic repair workshop and an eccentric party in former Eastern Germany´s research institute.
Something between an extraterrestrial bar band and a lethargic videogame.
Half way between scrapheap of the past and juiceless rubbish of modern times.
Something between profanation of a cult machine and a tear shed over the imperfection of its beginnings.
Music for disconnected computers accompanied by 8-bit game projections and game consoles.
Unplugged computer music accompanied by an 8bit games projection and game consoles. The performance represents the first part of an independent trilogy “Memory” dedicated to the examination of sources of public memory. In this case, the primary concern is the memory of technology, machines, a short period of information technology evolution and various application of IT in show business. The performance also casts an absurd light on the computer as a present-day instrument for music production.
Music and sound is created on dissected PCs, 8-bit computer cassette tape memories, video games, floppy disks, Didaktik M and various electronic scrap parts.
„The performance COMPUTER MUSIC brilliantly stresses miscellaneous clichés concerning electronic music production.” Petr Ferenc, HISvoice